*********************** LUXOR *********************** ###?{WHAT'S NEW}###ian Lütgert ************ to acknowlege that one would have to know these projects in the first 'tribal' thinking - which informs the new issue of this magazine: United States. The fact that Net-/Media-/Computer Art uses these new unprepared observers. That such a situation also threatens the hegemony used as themes and as targets for criticism, like the many browser used the net for purposes, which it was not not designed for, but which warnings from Cologne, ###!{WINDOWS5.JS}###... Will there be a gangwar? were admittedly sometimes hard to grasp for "net newbies" - are were nevertheless valid and interesting. These early experiments - that What could be relevant about all the net art projects in the long run What is exiting about net art is that it operates in a relatively new where some works can - hopefully - cause irritation and confusion to which are forced upon it by the hardware and software industry is not which is filled with numerous false facts - with the following which is put forward in an article by Isabelle Graw ###!{WINDOWS6.JS}###, while others depend on false assumptions. When artists feel like it, why her article doesn't give the internet adresses of any of the art with a joystick, a mouse or clicking on a webpage is a form of works - otherwise people might actually look at them and judge for works, it makes sense that TZK now bashes net art. And that net art ###*(BETA VERSIONS)###********************************************************** ### LUXOR/WindowWorld http://www2.hu-berlin.de/~h0444wol/rolux -> LUXOR ###ux/ [background = http://www2.hu-berlin.de/~h0444wol/rolux/archive/009.txt] ******************************************************************************** h0444wol@rz.hu-berlin.de http://www2.hu-berlin.de/~h0444wol/rolux/